Walton violin concerto sheet music
Walton violin concerto sheet music

walton violin concerto sheet music

walton violin concerto sheet music

This was not the first time Walton had been inspired by a scene from the visual arts his Portsmouth Point Overture, a work for orchestra composed in 1925 when the composer was 23, emerged as a musical reflection on a famous caricature by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827) of the busy docks of Portsmouth.

Walton violin concerto sheet music series#

William Walton's Scapino: A Comedy Overture took as its inspiration a series of engravings from 1622 by Jacques Callot of the Balli di sfessania - specifically Callot's depiction of the jaunty and mischievous Scapino, a character related to those of the commedia dell'arte.

Walton violin concerto sheet music